Applying for university can be a daunting task. There are so many places and so many courses that it can be hard to pin down what you want from your degree. So today we have compiled a list of the universities with aerospace or aeronautical engineering programs that are accredited by us at the Royal Aeronautical Society. But what does that mean?
Accreditation means that we have approved the course, therefore you as a student have the guarantee that it provides the exemplifying level of understanding, knowledge and skills to underpin professional competence to help you as a graduate on your way to registration as a Chartered Engineer (CEng) or as Incorporated Engineer (IEng). Basically, it makes your degree look better for future engineering-based employers.
So where should you look? Try out this Aerospace at University Yes/No Quiz to see where you may want to think about going to university!

For more detailed information about the courses available, head to the Royal Aeronautical Society’s accreditation page: