Boeing 2023 Charitable Grant Package

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“Anchored by our presence at key sites across the UK, Boeing is committed to innovating and investing in efforts that build, enhance and contribute to the communities where we are proud to live and work” – Maria Laine, President for the UK, Ireland & the Nordic region.


Boeing (NYSE:BA) has confirmed a charitable grants package of more than £430,000 for 13 non-profit organisations across the United Kingdom, funding charitable programmes for the 2023 calendar year. These packages include funding for STEM education and skills development programmes designed to help students of all ages and backgrounds achieve their full potential. The Royal Aeronautical Society are once again being supported by Boeing with ongoing support for our educational outreach and early-careers efforts, designed to improve diversity in the aerospace talent pipeline. Thank you Boeing.


To learn more about Boeing and the other charitable organisations they are supporting, head here to Boeing’s news release.